New course in Flawil (SG)

Eastern Switzerland will be enriched by a disc golf course: Probably in September 2022, the local Disc Sports Club Tatonka in Flawil (SG) will install an 18-hole course (12 baskets) around the Oberstufenzentrum Feld and the Reformed Church. Thus, the complex includes the centrally located and picturesque church park, sports and play facilities as well as green areas around public buildings.

The landowners make their areas available free of charge for disc golf, the infrastructure is fully financed by a local cooperative. With its rather shorter tracks, the course is primarily aimed at popular sports and the animation of the general population. The layout is tested for about a year. Any adjustments will be followed by the definitive installation including teesigns.

The opening will definitely take place on Sunday afternoon, September 25, 2022.

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