
What is it about, and what is PARKED!

Disc golf means: playing golf with Frisbees. The goal of the game is to finish the course with as few throws as possible. The course has a certain number of lanes. Each of them has a discharge point and a target, the disc golf basket. Its chains slow down the flight of the frisbee disc – it stops and falls into the basket hanging underneath.

Just like in classic golf, the so-called "par" gives a reference to how many shots are needed for the course. The difficulty of such a track results not only from its length, but also from obstacles such as trees, bushes, water, paths or height differences. Restricted areas (Out of Bounds) and Mandatories are intended to protect parked cars or other people, for example.

PARKED! is a project of the association swiss discgolf for the promotion of disc golf courses
in Switzerland. The goal is to accompany disc golf course projects from idea to installation. This is to ensure that nothing stands in the way of your innovative idea and that Switzerland will soon be enriched by a disc golf course. This brochure shows what it takes to realize a disc golf course and how support from PARKED! can look like.


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