After a year of work, it is finally done. The promotional materials for the project PARKED! are completed and ready for use. The association is proud to present the project to the disc golf community. We would like to thank @Soolifilm, @Trinet and @Mantics for their great support!

With PARKED! Our goal is to support the construction of new disc golf courses. Would you like to submit an application in your region or are you already in the middle of planning? PARKED! can perhaps bring you the decisive step closer to the realization of your project.

Excerpt from the brochure:

PARKED! is a project of the Swiss Disc Golf Association to promote disc golf courses in Switzerland. The goal is to accompany projects from idea to completion. In this way, innovative ideas should be made possible and Switzerland will soon be enriched by further disc golf courses.

Would you like to request the documents? Then contact us via e-mail and we will be happy to send you the documents.

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