Lila Open 2023 Results

In Hofstetten Flüh near Basel, one of the most varied and beautiful disc golf courses in Switzerland has been built in the last two years. Adam Schneiter realized a varied and challenging disc golf course on the land of his parents. Last year the Lila Open took place for the first time as part of the Discovery Tour, this year the tournament was part of the Swisstour for the first time.

On the weekend of 18 and 19 March, a total of more than 72 participants played in three rounds for the victory of the respective categories. In the MPO category, Lukas Schär won with a lead of 9! strokes secure the victory. In the FPO category, Melanie Meuter came second by 12 strokes. In the MP40 category, the lead was even greater, with Stephan Müller taking second place with an 18-stroke lead.


1. Lukas Schär -24
2. Frederic Keiflin -15
2. Oliver Baumgartner -15


1. Melanie Meuter +18
2. Julia Burkhardt +30
3 . Martina Kammermann +42


1. Stephan Mueller -28
2. Christof Schlegel -10
3 . Martin Doerken -1


1. Paul Francz -5
2. Christian Haldemann +2
3 . Volker Kaufmann +13

The complete news can be found on our partner page #DGNCH.

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