Statement by the SDA President on current events

The doping control on the weekend of 9/10 October 2021 on the Gurten has led to questions, uncertainties and incomprehension among some disc golf players.
The Swiss Disc Golf Association (SDA) consists of its members, the clubs. At the delegates' meeting, the delegates of the clubs decide on the tasks of the association. In 2007, the delegates decided to found an umbrella organisation together with Ultimate and to benefit from the many subsidies from swiss olympic and WFDF. As the executive unit of the Assembly of Delegates, the SDA Board has taken over this work. Since then, SDA has been embedded in various structures both nationally and internationally.
So that we can promote understanding of the structures, I would like to point out to the following website of the association. It shows that our umbrella organisation "Swiss Disc Sports" is a member of "swiss olympic" and that the two sports Ultimate and Disc Golf are also represented. SDA and the entire Swiss disc golf environment have benefited from the funding in recent years. Thus, it was possible that several applications from SDA members (clubs) and thus their projects (infrastructure or events) were financially supported. For the national team, entry fees for European Championships could be taken over. Thanks to this membership in swiss olympic, we were also able to partially cover financial losses for SDA members (clubs) due to non-feasible tournaments (COVID).

With the connection of SDS to swiss olympic, the two sports disc golf and ultimate are subject to the doping statute. At the 2019 Delegates' Meeting, the topic was discussed in detail and unanimously approved by all clubs. All licensed players were then informed and sensitized via e-mail. Likewise, each newly licensed player will receive the information. I would also like to point out that doping controls are not carried out on behalf of SDA. The independent body "Anti-Doping Switzerland" selects itself the sports and the athletes for which they want to carry out a doping control. Compared to other countries, it is not the organizer or even the association that determines whether doping controls should be actively carried out at events. This also corresponds to the idea of separation of powers in order to ensure that equal opportunities are granted to the athletes.

We are convinced that the growth of the sport of disc golf will be positively influenced by belonging to national and international federations.
Disc golf is and should be played by every woman and everyone. The different interests in sports also require different offers. Leisure and hobby activities are provided by local representatives and clubs. SDA is actively involved in creating a performance and promotion concept that covers the offers from popular sports to competitive sports (FTEM see swiss olympic).
Our sport is in a period of change and we have to find ways together so that the disc flies into the basket.

Sporty greetings
Mark Chardonnens

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