Swisstourfinale 2022
The Swisstourfinale 2022 will take place on 15. + 16 October. It is a PDGA XB tournament. "walkabout" is the organising association.
The tournament can accommodate 72 participants.
The starting places will be distributed to the categories and walkabout as follows.
55% Open 40
15% Women 11
10% Juniors 7
10% Juniors 7
10% as wildcards for "walkabout" 7
The wildcards can be freely disposed of by the host club. There are no restrictions on nationality, rating or licenses for the wildcards. For the other places, an SDA annual license as well as the active PDGA membership is mandatory.
The qualification for the Swisstour final can be achieved via the 9 best rated PDGA rounds, which were played at a Swisstour event in the current year. No matter in which category the rating was achieved.
The interim status can be seen via the following link:
If a category is not filled, the seats automatically fall to the Open category.
Swisstour tournaments:
Registration procedure:
Registration opens two months before the start of the tournament. At first, only waiting list places are allocated.
Anyone who wants to play can sign up. From 1 October, the qualified participants will be included in the definitive start list. If someone is not registered on October 1, although the person would meet the qualification criteria, their place will be automatically passed on. Later registrations after the 1.Oct. are assigned to the categories after time receipt.
Rating of the Swisstour
The 2022 evaluation cycle covers the period from 1 January to 30 September 2022 (classification 1) including the Swisstour final of October 2022 (rating 2)
The winner of the Swisstour is the one who has the lowest score after adding rating 1 and rating 2.
Rating 1:
The sum of the 9 highest rated PDGA rounds from the current evaluation cycle is added together and a ranking bar (R1) is created from it.
Rating 2:
A ranking list (R2) will be created by the Swisstourfinal in accordance with the PDGA rules.
Sum R1 + R2 = overall ranking. The lowest number wins.
If there are a tie, the person with the lower R1 rating is placed in advance.
Only people who have a value from R1 and R2 are included in the overall ranking.