We are looking for two team captains for the European Championships 2023

The venues for the European Championships are well known. The Open + Juniors will be held in Estonia and the remaining categories will compete in Hungary. Thus, we are looking for a team captain for each of the two events. Are you interested in accompanying and supervising a team for the Euro 2023? Then contact us via e-mail elite(at)discgolf.ch. In addition to plenty of experience, the team captain also receives financial compensation.

The tasks are as follows:

Task Before European Championships EM After EM
Registration Team x
Team Building / Training Days / Joint Events x
Registration of individual and national spots x
Arrangement arrival and reservation if possible x
Preparation for EM course / planning implementation x
Organize briefing and clothes x
Organize training rounds x
Player Support x x x
Forward information to Team x x x
Strengthen team spirit / Daily meetings x x x
Capture the players' return journey x
Reference Accommodation Headquarters x
Coordination on site x
Contact person on site for all matters x
On-site communication x x
Organize Player Package / Discs x
Final report and media info x

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