Winkelried Trophy 2023 Results

Almost two weeks ago, a Swisstour stop took place in Stans for the first time. As Lüku Schär said so beautifully at the end: "I had been hoping for years that Stans would get its own Swisstour stop; the area is just beautiful." And so it was. The Disc Golf Club Blowflies Stans has really worked hard to provide a great and challenging course for the Swisstour 2023 .

But the weather wanted to add an additional difficulty. While lightning and thunder rolled through the valley on Friday, it was a bit more peaceful on Saturday. There was still enough wind, but at least the rain kept in check, so that only a few drops fell from time to time. On Sunday, Stans presented itself at its best with sun and practically no wind. Another highlight besides the tournament was probably the catering on Saturday. Those who had registered were really spoiled in the Culinarium Alpinum.


1. Lukas Schär -25
2. Connor Wellbourne-Wood -17
3 . Mike Leu -16
1. Melanie Meuter +10
2. Mona Blättler +16
3 . Martina Kammermann +25
1. Simon Achermann -12
2. Ivo Blättler -3
3 . Martin Jenny -2
1. Karin Rubin +25
1. Juergen Disch -2
2. Patrick Stalder +22
1. Werner Kuster +11
2. Turi Küttel +34
3 . Markus Birkenmeier +65
MY 18:
1. Levin Bätscher +19
2. Tobias Niederberger +26
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