The Trilogy Circuit!

In Switzerland, there are now various tournaments for all types of discgolfers*. Most tournaments are aimed at top-level athletes.

But there are also well-known tournament series such as the Wintertour, which very successfully targets the mass sport. And then there are the tournaments supported by various record manufacturers.

One of the best-known fun tournaments in Switzerland is the Trilogy Challenge from Latitude64, Dynamic Discs and Westside Discs. This year, there will be two, with one of the tournaments taking place in Winterthur from July 23, organized by Disc Dimension Winterthur (places are still available!). The second tournament will take place in the third quarter of 2023, on September 3. It will be organized by the Voralpen Eagles in Hausen am Albis, and registration has just been launched.

In addition to the Trilogy Challenge, the MVP Disc Sports Circuit Challenge will be held for the first time this year. The Circuit Challenge is organized by and takes place on July 30 in Adliswil; here too, there are still places available.



Mais qu’est-ce qui rend ces événements si spéciaux ? Vous pouvez laisser votre sac plein à la maison, car lors de ces tournois, vous recevrez sur place tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer. C’est un événement pour tous. L’association salue ce genre d’événements et souhaite beaucoup de plaisir à tous les participants* !


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