Discover the fascinating sport of disc golf


Discover the fascinating sport of disc golf


Background Video Source: Disc Golf Cinematic | by MDG Media


The latest news about the sport of disc golf

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PARKED! is a project by the Swiss Disc Golf Association to promote disc golf courses in Switzerland. The aim is to support projects from the initial idea through to installation.

The support concept

The promotion concept for disc golf, based on Swiss Olympic guidelines, aims to promote the sport at all levels and to successfully represent Switzerland in the international disc golf community.

Promotion of young talent

Targeted programs are designed to discover and promote young talent in the sport of disc golf. This includes the identification of promising athletes and the provision of training and development opportunities.

Competitive sport

The development concept aims to establish Swiss disc golf athletes at an international level. This includes supporting athletes in their preparation for international competitions and providing resources to achieve top performance.

Events and competitions

The concept emphasizes the organization and promotion of top-class disc golf events and competitions in Switzerland. This not only creates opportunities for competition, but also for the enthusiasm of athletes and fans.


The promotion concept aims to establish disc golf at a professional level. This includes supporting coaches, officials and organizations to ensure high quality and standards in the sport.

Discover the sport of disc golf


Grassroot sport

The grassroots sport encompasses a diverse and inclusive community of players of all ages and experience levels who enjoy playing disc golf together and promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.


Competitive sport

In competitive sport, ambitious athletes strive to compete at the highest level by constantly improving their skills and techniques in order to be successful at national and international level.



Disc Golf offers a wide range of tournaments for all levels of ability, from beginners' tournaments to the Disc Golf Pro Tour. The Swiss Championship is an independent event with specific conditions of participation.

Swiss Sport Integrity

Sport Standards

Swiss Sport Integrity is responsible for combating doping, punishing breaches of ethical principles and reporting and eliminating irregularities in sport.

My greatest strength is my perseverance. I never give up in a fight. No matter how down I am, I fight...


It was worth the wait. We are launching our new website right at the start of spring. Have fun with the new website!

Mobile version and responsive design for iPad and other devices is in progress.